What is Maintenance Work in HVAC?

HVAC maintenance is the practice of keeping your heater or air conditioner in good condition by inspecting, cleaning, testing, and even repairing and replacing system components. Investing in the upkeep of your air conditioning system can help you identify and fix issues before they become major problems. Some air conditioning maintenance companies offer annual contracts, where you pay a fixed fee for a technician to visit you once a year. In short, needing an HVAC service means you need to perform a repair, while HVAC maintenance is about taking preventive measures to improve performance and extend the life of the system.

Using an accredited HVAC company, such as Air Specialist in Houston, Texas, for your HVAC maintenance can help you avoid HVAC repair emergencies. Some local HVAC companies also suggest regular adjustments in addition to annual preventive maintenance. You can always check if your local air conditioning repair company offers annual contracts for the maintenance of air conditioning systems at reasonable prices.