Should You Replace a 15 Year Old HVAC System?

If your air conditioner has been around for more than 15 or 20 years, it may be time to invest in a new unit instead of repairing it. This is because repairs can be expensive and inefficient, and you may even be able to benefit from lower bills and tax incentives with a new system. However, if you plan to move in the near future, it may not be worth replacing the unit. When deciding whether to repair or replace an HVAC system, there are a few things to take into account, such as the age of the unit, its performance and efficiency, and the cost of any necessary repairs.

It's important to have an HVAC professional come and inspect your unit if you find that it's not in the best condition. Additionally, make sure that the warranty is transferred to you when you buy a new home. You should especially consider replacing the system if repair costs exceed 50 percent of the price of a new air conditioner. Knowing the average costs involved in replacing or repairing an air conditioner can help you make an informed decision.

Investing in a new unit is often more cost-effective than spending money on repairs for an old HVAC system that's really starting to show its age. When considering whether to replace your HVAC system, it's important to weigh all of your options carefully. If you're looking for a long-term solution that will save you money in the long run, investing in a new unit is likely your best bet. However, if you plan on moving soon, it may not be worth replacing the system.